Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Criticism can't hurt me

Many of us are indifferent to criticism and I am too but one thing is sure; most of us take the little jibes and javelins that are hurled at us far too seriously. I have been criticised for my stances and views on many matters. Some say, that i am over liberal, others address me as Zionist and so on. However, this has always made me focus on my work and I am happy that I never changed my values and principles on which my preconceived ideas are based on. As it is siad critics are the best awards of the public.
I realise that people are not thinking about you and me or caring what is said about us. They are thinking about themselves. Even if you and I are lied about, ridiculed, double-crossed, knife in the back and sold down the river by one out of the five of every intimate friends, let's not indulge in an orgy of self-pity. Instead, let's remind ourselves that what precisely happened to Jesus and his life life that has been corrupted by Roman Church. However, truth remains the truth in whatever circumstances and it always surfaces at the right time.
I discovered few years ago that although I could not keep people from criticising me unjustly, I could do something infinitely more important. I could determine whether I would let the unjust condemnation disturb me. Let's clear about this: I am not advocating ignoring all criticism. Far from it. I am talking about ignoring only unjust criticism. Former President Bush has been criticised very much but what difference does it makes. He initiated a war against terrorism and kept America and its citizens safe during his mandates. All what counts is the work to get done whether others appreciate or not. As such never be borthered by what people say, as long as you know in your heart you are right.
When you and I are unjustly criticised, just remember that " Do the very best you can and then put up your old umbrella and keep the rain of criticism from running down the back of your neck."

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